American Overseas Interests Act

During full House consideration of the Foreign Aid Authorization Bill (H.R. 1561), Rep. Constance Morella (R-MD) offered a substitute amendment to replace a pro-life amendment that had been put forward by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ). The Smith Amendment would restore the Mexico City Policy and deny funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as long as it supports China's coercive population control program. The Morella Amendment would have gutted the Smith Amendment.

On May 24, 1995, the House defeated the Morella Amendment 198-yes, 227-no, 10-not voting (Roll Call 349). "No" was a pro-life vote.

Later the same day, the House passed the Smith Amendment. That part of the bill relating to the State Department was passed by the Senate but vetoed by President Clinton April 12, 1996. The part of the bill to which the Smith Amendment was attached never passed the Senate.

Bill Number: 
NCHLA Bill Number: 
Vote Date: 
Short Description: 
UNFPA, Mexico City Policy: Foreign Aid Authorization
Chamber Vote: 